The Pinewood Derby is perhaps the highlight of a Cub Scout’s year because of its fun and excitement. It is a time for a parent or guardian and a scout to work together in a hands-on project that builds skills and character. The craft skills come from learning to work with wood, planning a design, and creating a unique derby car. The character development comes from learning about sportsmanship.
Pack 965's 2022 Pinewood Derby This year's derby will be held on Saturday, February 12th at Leesburg Elementary School gym. Race will begin at 9am sharp. Please make sure to have your scout's car registered Friday, February 11th at Leesburg Elementary School gym 7:00pm - 8:30pm. The top 5 winners from each den can go and compete at the Goose Creek District Pinewood Derby in March. Pinewood Derby Rules
Race Procedures
* All information above is from the Boy Scouts of America Scout Shop. For more information about the Pinewood Derby or to see some derby car ideas, check out Scout Life. Want to buy some accessories for your derby car? Check out the official derby BSA parts at the Scout Shop. |